Charlotte's Introductory Focusing Classes

These free classes provide a basic understanding of Focusing and the use of Focusing Skills in conversation.

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Focusing came directly out of research trying to distill the essential ingredient at the heart of any therapeutic process that leads to lasting change. Cognitive science shows Focusing allows us to directly dialogue with the 95% of our processing power that is usually out of everyday awareness, and so it greatly enhances creativity, problem solving capacity, and a brings a sense of aliveness.

I use Focusing in all my sessions and I teach it to therapists, coaches, body workers and laypeople who want to use Focusing to greatly enhance and deepen their practices and lives.

Part 1 explains how research shows that change is about working with the feeling sense of your issues which lives at the edge of your unconscious, where 95% of you processing power exists, and takes you through an exercise so you can have get to experience the steps of Focusing.  Then Part 2 then explains how you can actually relate to this feeling sense and start a direct relationship and dialogue with this vastly wise 95%, and takes you through a guided experience to give you a taster of how you can start to practice this.

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